
By this stage your plan should have been signed off and you may have achieved Establishing Causality. Now you need to collect experimental data using the method in your plan while ensuring you account for all those possible instances of inaccuracy.


  1. Set up your apparatus according to your plan and collect your data in a suitable results table.
  2. Ensure you repeat your experiment numerous times.
  3. Remove and replace any obvious outliers. You must justify your decision to do this by explaining what an outlier is and how the results you consider to be outliers fit this definition. This can be in the form of annotations on your results table. If you don’t have any outliers, explain how you can tell.

Required Submissions

A completed results table with annotations and a summary of decisions made on outliers. The best way to do this is to hand drawn the table and photograph it for publication on your.


You may achieve the Raw Data Badge in this piece. Click the Badge to see it’s criteria. Alternatively go to



Your work must be carried out safely. I have risk assessed this experiment for you and will verbally remind you of measures required to reduce risk of harm. We will, together, assign control measures and the document we work on together will be published here. Watch this space.

If you wish to submit our own personal risk assessment. You may do so. Use the Risk badge to help you.


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