Our focus this week is the tyre marks and blood splatter. This looks like a job for the physicists among us. We’ll be looking at the way forces interact with the evidence we’ve been left to see if we can deduce something about the events and the perpetrator. To do so we’ll need to achieve the following:

Draw accurate force diagrams (Force Badge up for grabs here)

Calculate resultant forces

Describe different types of force and name the most relevant ones

Predict an object’s motion using thought experiments and force diagrams.

We’ll use the presentation (Week One) and the sheets linked below:

[google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/a/edutronic.net/presentation/d/1bOOvPJgv20kXH3x3NC_iuaqwwipt2xaGb63cGYj5430/preview” title=”Truth And Lies Slides” icon=”http://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_presentation_list.png” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”]

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