Welcome to the Year Eleven Laboratory


A*-B in all three subjects In Triple Science last year.

Dear new students,

See this page as a mind map of help on your GCSE journey. Scroll down for useful links including all of my in class presentations, past papers, Doddle, games, videos and more. Our lab blog is also linked where all of our class work is posted with topic codes which match my resource bank. I’ll always summarise our lesson for those who miss them and it’s you’re job to check this blog every day. I mean it. Every day.

Miss Critchley


Please do subscribe as you will be updated when I add content to any of the pages in my site and of course contact me at any time. I realise having a change of teacher so late in a course can be a little unnerving so I’d like to keep everyone as in the loop as possible.

In Class Resources

A Google Drive Folder filled with Ms Critchley’s Resource Collection

Doddle Revision

A link to Doddle a bank of resources and quizzes. This covers the KNOWLEDGE. Technique requires the past papers to the right.

Past Papers

Click here for Past Papers and Mark SchemesĀ arranged by series. You should familiarise your self with this very soon indeed.

Next Tracking Exam








First Exernal Exam








Year Plan

When we’re covering what. Subject to change of course so check back for updates.


Revision Timetable

Recommendations for revision each week between now and the start of your last exam. This is on top of homework set for new learning.

The Lab Blog