Welcome back to Edutronic Homeworks, Year 7.

This week is a fancy one. You’ll be preparing a short speech on how chemical reactions help modern life. Now this is a really broad topic so you have a  lot of space to move here. I highly recommend we speak individually in class about your ideas. I have lots and can help you start your notes.

Your speech must be:

  • 4 minutes or more in length
  • In your own words
  • Interesting and informative

You may use notes or PowerPoints but no reading directly from them! 

If I think it might make it we’ll submit your speech to the English Depratment for assessment against the Speaking To Inform Badge Criteria linked here http://achieve.community.edutronic.net/stage-one-speaking/inform/


We’ll also be posting videos of your speeches here unless you desperately don’t want to. Won’t it be wonderful to have all of our knowledge and ideas next to this post? I think so.

Prepare your speeches by NEXT Wednesday.

Ms C