Today, chaps, we’re following up on the video we watched yesterday. Barack Obama interviewed David Attenborough who made  a compelling case for the argument that we must intervene now in order to prevent the destruction of our natural environment.

Many of you had strong opinions for and against this argument but as always we are working towards providing a balanced argument in Science.

Task 1.

Spend ten minutes writing down your opinion with all of your arguments for it. Remember your strong arguments must attempt to persuade the others of your point of view. Also include some notes on arguments people might have against you. This is likely to help you later.

Task 2.

Form an opinion scale with your stools and your paper along the drawer wall in my room. The office marks the strongest feelings FOR Mr Attenborough’s Argument. My desk marks the strongest feelings against him.

Task 3.

We’ll discuss our arguments but first each of us will present our arguments from task 1. If at any point you feel your opinion starting to change you may move. I’ll remind you about this later!

Task 4.

Answer the following Exam Style Question.  Use paper or comment on the post below.

The government has pledged £15million to help combat the destruction of complex ecosystems. Wht arguments might there be for and against this? How do you feel after considering all the arguments? 8MARKS