Hey team!

I’ve been thinking about why we’ve been having such a tough time with NMR. Took me back to being at Uni when I told my professor he MUST see something different to me when he looks at spectra and found himself able to deduce something.

I think you’ve been trying to analyse your spectra like we used to in GCSE exam questions. Describe, quote, explain. But I don’t think we can do that. Do me a favour tonight and find one NMR question. Try the following and see if you can answer the questions.

What does the number of peaks tell me?

What does the shape tell  me?

What does the height tell me?

Did the spectrum change when deuterium wa sadder? What does that tell me?

See at GCE being clever got us by because we could apply our skills in new situations  but here you can’t get away without knowing some things.


Bring your prep  wednesday- and don’t forget that Arrhenius guide!
